My Name is Debbie Matthews

I am the Republican endorsed candidate for Columbia City Mayor. Columbia is home, and there is no other place like it. Our city is special but what makes it great is the people; we have known this all along. Now the world has taken notice, and everyone wants to move here.

Columbia needs to be protected.

That’s why I am running for mayor and asking for your vote.

  • We need to control growth and make growth pay for itself.

  • We must keep Columbia free and open by protecting small businesses and churches from unnecessary mandates.

  • We need to keep Columbia safe by hiring and maintaining the best police and fire in the state.

  • And we need an economy that works for everyone in a city and county that works together.

There is no time to waste… The future of Columbia is in our hands.

My name is Debbie Matthews, and I am asking for your vote for Columbia City Mayor. I am humbly asking for your vote.

Early voting continues now to November 3rd. Election Day is November 8th.


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100% of your donation will support Debbie Matthews' campaign to run for City Mayor of Columbia, Tennessee. No matter how small, every donation will help pay for ads, digital outreach, mailers, and signs. We appreciate your donation and promise not to give 10% to the "Big Guy."

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